
These are some of the writeups for the CTFs I've participated and also my blog articles

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PrometeoCTF 23

(I do not remember the names of some of the challenges ,hence I’ve added my own names ;| )

Challenge #1 - Based

The First Challenge was pretty easy converting the given text into base 64 gave me the flag


Challenge #2 - Tuk Tuk … Tuuuuk

I had to download a .wav files it had a lot of beeps and pauses hence used a morse code decoder to get the message


Challenge #3 - Basic but cool

This challenge was pretty interesting

This was the P.S

      Are you smart enough to decipher this? Think thrice before you do it


Gave me the idea of it being base64 tried to convert it into base64 but it resulted in a junk val Tried to use caesar cipher with base64

[M2JwsbXbqaXEF1B7A19HBVPbAUJtBUvbrJ95sbA0AV0=, N2KxtcYcrbYFG1C7B19ICWQcBVKuCVwcsK95tcB0BW0=, O2LyudZdscZGH1D7C19JDXRdCWLvDWxdtL95udC0CX0=, P2MzveAetdAHI1E7D19KEYSeDXMwEXyeuM95veD0DY0=, Q2NawfBfueBIJ1F7E19LFZTfEYNxFYzfvN95wfE0EZ0=, R2ObxgCgvfCJK1G7F19MGAUgFZOyGZagwO95xgF0FA0=, S2PcyhDhwgDKL1H7G19NHBVhGAPzHAbhxP95yhG0GB0=, T2QdziEixhELM1I7H19OICWiHBQaIBciyQ95ziH0HC0=, U2ReajFjyiFMN1J7I19PJDXjICRbJCdjzR95ajI0ID0=, V2SfbkGkzjGNO1K7J19QKEYkJDScKDekaS95bkJ0JE0=, W2TgclHlakHOP1L7K19RLFZlKETdLEflbT95clK0KF0=, X2UhdmImblIPQ1M7L19SMGAmLFUeMFgmcU95dmL0LG0=, Y2VienJncmJQR1N7M19TNHBnMGVfNGhndV95enM0MH0=, Z2WjfoKodnKRS1O7N19UOICoNHWgOHioeW95foN0NI0=, A2XkgpLpeoLST1P7O19VPJDpOIXhPIjpfX95gpO0OJ0=, B2YlhqMqfpMTU1Q7P19WQKEqPJYiQJkqgY95hqP0PK0=, C2ZmirNrgqNUV1R7Q19XRLFrQKZjRKlrhZ95irQ0QL0=, D2AnjsOshrOVW1S7R19YSMGsRLAkSLmsiA95jsR0RM0=, E2BoktPtisPWX1T7S19ZTNHtSMBlTMntjB95ktS0SN0=, F2CpluQujtQXY1U7T19AUOIuTNCmUNoukC95luT0TO0=, G2DqmvRvkuRYZ1V7U19BVPJvUODnVOpvlD95mvU0UP0=, H2ErnwSwlvSZA1W7V19CWQKwVPEoWPqwmE95nwV0VQ0=, I2FsoxTxmwTAB1X7W19DXRLxWQFpXQrxnF95oxW0WR0=, J2GtpyUynxUBC1Y7X19EYSMyXRGqYRsyoG95pyX0XS0=, K2HuqzVzoyVCD1Z7Y19FZTNzYSHrZStzpH95qzY0YT0=]

tried converting it with a simple .py script but no luck

Finally used cyberchef to decrypt using the following receipe



Overall this CTF was fun… We got to 17th position